It’s just a matter of time before instant translation will be possible, with revolutionary results for the global community, argues Jonathan Luff on the technology sites of WIRED. A couple of years ago, as the Arab uprisings were taking place … Continue reading
Literary Translation Centre
The approaching London Book Fair doesn’t need introductions. It covers the broad spectrum of the publishing industry so there really is something for everyone no matter what your area of interest be it Rights, Digital, Children’s, Emerging Markets Translation, or … Continue reading
Happy Easter from all of us at Transenter!
The moment of translation
Translation and work between languages also fulfils the ambassadorial function of creating empathy and understanding between cultures, but only when we are ready to acknowledge and value the differences, (Otherness) to accept them for what they are, to see how these very differences enrich and strengthen societies. Continue reading
British Communication – Diplomacy vs. Directness
When living in a foreign country, there are many things one has to get used to – a new language and culture, different traditions, weather and food, for example. However, coming from Britain, there is one aspect of life abroad … Continue reading
Trustworthy Cloud
Trustworthiness assurance is key to future use of cloud services for data and applications with specific security requirements. Similar to a personal relationship, trust in cloud services may be lost in an instant. Continue reading
New translation engine as job cuts loom
A new translation engine that can cut faster through the rarefied vocabulary of Brussels technocrats in 23 European languages will be rolled out by the European Commission in July in an effort to cut costs. The in-house system, known as … Continue reading
Transenter hälsar på Sverige!
Transenter är en holländsk översättningsfirma som har tillhandahållit traditionella språktjänster och den senaste tekniken inom språklösningar sedan 2002. Vi har levererat översättningar i stor skala till kunder i Frankrike, Belgien, Nederländerna, Danmark och Sverige. Fler och fler svenska företag söker … Continue reading
Love letters in foreign languages
Have you ever read a love letter that hastened your heart rate, or moved you to tears? Have you ever received a note that you found yourself reading and re-reading, perhaps sighing as you clung to every word? If so, … Continue reading
Chinese translation of James Joyce’s novel becomes best-seller
A Chinese edition of James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake” has sold out in China, with a second edition being printed to meet the demand. The Chinese version is no easier to read than the original, the loyal-minded translator assures, but James … Continue reading
