Traductions juridiques
Here at Transenter we have identified translation as one of the key sources of data leakage; non-disclosure agreements between translation agencies (data processors) and law firms can not provide sufficient protection.
When sending your documents to Transenter experts and data controllers, you can rely on a professional legal translation service, highly secure data transfer and storage of your customers’ data, as Transenter respects, at the same time. time, the EU and the data security laws of the United States.
Legal translation requires the knowledge of specialists in the field, with a long experience. In the legal context, the choice of the right word is fundamental and the slightest mistake can have unfortunate consequences. In addition, terminology and legal concepts may vary from country to country. Our experts are trained to recognize these variants and assist you in choosing the right terminology.
Give your documents to our team of specialists
We adhere to strict quality standards by entrusting your translations to translators and revisers with extensive experience in the legal sector, who have been trained in this typology of translation. Our team of translators masters not only the legal terminology, but also the specificities of each legal order, be it Romano-Germanic law, Common Law or mixed systems. Each of our professionals specializes in a branch of law: international law, tax law, labor law, insurance law, energy law etc.
Use a secure and accessible platform online
You can order each of your translations separately, in a classic way, or take advantage of a modern translation platform, which allows you to control from A to Z the complete translation process integrated into one and the same site. With this solution, you translate your content efficiently and easily, and you can control each translated document, costs incurred, etc. The high quality of translations is guaranteed by centralized translation memories, terminology databases and the work of a team of qualified and experienced translators.
Areas of specialization
We translate different types of legal documents, including:
- Confidentiality agreements
- Articles
- Certificates of conformity
- Procedural documents
- Calls for tenders
- contracts
- Arbitration and litigation matters
- Transcripts of trials and testimonies
- Legal Notice
- Legal attestations and legal declarations
- Governmental and legal decisions
- Patent and Trademark Filings
- Letters of credit
- allowed
- Expert reports
Legal Translation Assistance
The translation of legal documents requires the know-how of competent and experienced specialists. Your legal texts will be translated quickly and efficiently, and you will have complete control over each translated document.
Take a closer look at the services and tools available for your business by clicking on the name of the products or services below.
imlingo manager | Travaillez avec des gestionnaires de projets qui se consacrent à la coordination de votre compte et vous offrent des services sur mesure. Recevez plus d’informations sur les coûts et délais de chaque projet. |
MT-lingo | Obtenez une compréhension précise et en temps réel de documents juridiques étrangers. Traduisez tout document officiel dans un environnement de traduction sécurisé. |
Post-lingo | Insérez les modifications dans la base de connaissances juridiques et améliorez ainsi la qualité des traductions futures |
TM-lingo | Economisez les ressources sur la traduction de contrats et de documents similaires. Assurez-vous de la cohérence de la terminologie juridique de chaque traduction. |
Proof-lingo | Contrôlez la qualité et la transparence de vos documents juridiques. |
We're Here To Help!
Storkstraat 20
3833 LB Leusden
The Netherlands