Universal Body Language

There are thousands of different languages and dialects around the world, yet the world’s speech is increasingly homogenized. The 15 most common languages are now on the lips of half the world’s people, the top 100 languages are used by 90 percent of humanity. But there is only one language that can be understood by the entire human kind. Let me introduce you to the powerful body language Continue reading

Translators Without Borders

Translators Without Borders has reached a milestone of 4 million words donated to aid groups. We are honoured to be a part of it. Learn more about Translators Without Borders: http://translatorswithoutborders.org/

How to Translate the Word ‘God’

People tend to perceive debates over translation as dry, scholarly affairs, but sometimes, disagreements about how to translate a word can aggravate existing tensions between groups, even escalating violence. This was especially evident in the country of Malaysia, where a … Continue reading

Creative Resume Design

Nowadays it takes a little extra ingenuity to get noticed on the job market. If you want to stand out and grab the attention of a employer, you need to be creative in every aspect. Take a look at those … Continue reading

Transenter’s 10th Anniversary Celebration

A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away called Amsterdam the history of Transenter began… It’s been 10 years since the appearance of a small translation company. Year after year, Transenter developed quickly to become a skilled … Continue reading